DHI ( Shave-less Hair Transplantation )

DHI  (Tıraşsız Saç Ekimi)

DHI ( Shave-less Hair Transplantation )

Many people who have baldness problems wonder about DHI shave-less hair transplantation. Because many people do not want to receive a haircut when they want to have their hair transplanted, for this reason, patients often wonder whether the transplant can be done without shaving the hair. Shaving can be extremely traumatic, especially for women who want to receive a hair transplant. That's why those who want to receive a hair transplant operation often search for this.

There are many different reasons for wanting to have a shave-less hair transplant. One of them is that people generally want to hide the fact that they received a hair transplant from other people. People who are constantly at the forefront of their business do not want to continue with this process. At the same time, shaving for hair transplantation can be extremely annoying, especially for women. Because of all these situations, many people are looking for shave-less methods for hair transplantation.

Many people wonder whether a shave-less hair transplant operation can be performed. With developing technologies, these operations can be performed without shaving the hair. With the technique called DHI, it has become possible for individuals to have hair transplant operations without shaving. Receiving the hair transplant with this method will be stress-free.



How is Shave-less Hair Transplant Being Performed?

Shave-less hair transplant operations are being searched for by many people. Transplant operations can be performed without completely shaving the hair. These operations can be applied in cases where there is a maximum of 1000 grafts for transplantation. When this number is exceeded, transplant operations cannot be performed without completely shaving. In such cases, hair transplantation is carried out in a partially shaved way. If the number of grafts is below 2800, transplantation operations can be performed with this method.

The most suitable method for hair transplantation is to completely shave the hair. However, this situation is not preferred by many people. Instead, completely unshaven or partially shaved techniques are preferred. However, these techniques have certain advantages as well as certain disadvantages. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages before transplanting operations. More detailed information on the subject can be obtained from the EsteMiami Clinic.

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